Money Moves Every Young Person Should Make
The world of personal finance is complicated. There is no shortage of information on the internet telling us what to do with our money. The issue is that we don’t know what to Google, and even if we did, we often don’t know how it applies to us.
As young adults, the financial steps that we take now are critical to our ability to set ourselves up for success later in life, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. How do you balance paying off student loans with saving for retirement? Now is the time to get the tools that we need to make smart decisions and get onto the right track.
Register for this free workshop by clicking here.
In this class, we will be talking about…
• The basics of investing
• The best types of retirement savings accounts
• The best ways to pay down debt
• Plus, other helpful money-tips to get you on the right track.
This is not some boring old financial class. Come along and let’s have some fun while we learn.
Presented by Darren Leader, Simmons Capital Group.