Starting Steps & Resources For Your Business Venture
Starting a small business is complicated. The good news is that there are many local and state resources for guidance and support. At this workshop, you’ll learn what resources are available to local entrepreneurs when it comes to business planning, formation, marketing, and financing.
Further FREE material available on Edupreneur after registration here:
Redemption code: a7700ec4-56b4-4107-8ed3-b2cd29e627bb
Course Link: https://mclf.thoughtindustries.com/starting-steps-and-resources-for-your-business-venture?preview=
Presented by Rose Bordett- Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region
Rose Bordett the Training and Technical Assistance Associate. She is a native Upstate New Yorker who recently moved to the Capital Region. A graduate of SUNY Oswego she has worked in various educational roles for the last 10 years. Her most recent position was developing an online language learning program. She is excited to bring her enthusiasm for community involvement into her work and to explore the Capital Region’s many opportunities. She would like to bring the same sense of community and caring to the Community Loan Fund’s online learning programs.