The Power of Pages: Using LinkedIn Company Pages to Elevate Your Brand & Business!

The Power of Pages: Using LinkedIn Company Pages to Elevate Your Brand & Business!

LinkedIn’s motto is: “Do Business Where Business is Done” – and these days, business is done with companies that have both a personal and professional presence on LinkedIn. Our personal profiles are still the best way to be seen but don’t write off Pages, because with all the resources and effort being poured into them, they’ll be caught up in no time.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss WHY all businesses (even the one-person business) should have a LinkedIn page, how to use it, and all the benefits of this 1-2 punch of both your profile and page. You’ll leave understanding how to leverage the power of pages and how important it is for your business to be on the “ground floor” of this major LinkedIn Movement.

Further FREE material available on Edupreneur after registration here:

Join us for more Business Basics Workshops throughout the year.


Presenter Bio: Miranda VonFricken, CEO/Speaker & Strategist of LinkedIn Awesomeness

After a BOOMING career in Talent, Culture, & Performance Leadership, Miranda (and the Universe) had other plans! Since exiting the corporate environment, she has traveled the world (and Zoom rooms) connecting with, coaching, and speaking to those looking to up-level their life and business.

Miranda creates and conducts workshops on self-leadership, personal branding, social selling, and her personal favorite LinkedIn!

Member of the Forbes Coaching Council, host of Albany’s LinkedIn Local, and Founder of LinkedIn Growth Academy, she helps organizations of all sizes and entrepreneurs leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow their community and elevate their brand, online.

She is a certified life & business coach, has earned a Master’s in Motivation, studied the Science of Happiness at Yale, and was awarded the 2021 Women of Achievement award in the category of Women’s Empowerment. Miranda has contributed to numerous books, blogs, and podcasts in support of her passion and mission to help every professional get clear, aligned, and abundant by creating a life AND brand that shines so bright it’s impossible to ignore!


Oct 13 2022


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region
(518) 436-8586
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