Does Socially Responsible Investing have to mean low returns?
If you thought that investing in a socially responsible manner always results in poor investment returns, then you are not alone, but also not right. The ability to fully customize your investments to align with your values used to be exclusively for the mega-wealthy. That’s not the case anymore.
Learn how to put your money where your heart is with this free workshop on Socially Conscious Investing with Darren J. Leader, CFA from Simmons Capital Group. Investing consciously should not only be for the lucky few. Plus, you should be really proud of what you’re investing in. Isn’t it time that we started to care how profits are made, and not just how much profit is made?
There are 2 main challenges for investors that care about where their dollars are invested:
1. Everyone cares about different causes. (For example, some may care deeply about animals, while others care about social issues that impact people).
2. Once you have identified the causes you care about, traditional screened mutual funds and ETF’s don’t enable you to fully align your investments with your values.
Once you have identified the causes that resonate with you, then building a portfolio that closely aligns with your values is the next step. To do this, you need the ability to fully customize your portfolio (not just using stock standard screened mutual funds). Now you can!
This free workshop will give you an overview of what Socially Responsible Investing is, the pros and cons and the practical ways in which you can better align your investments with your values.