Understanding Your Credit
Credit is the foundation on which we build our financial life, allowing us to borrow money or access goods & services that we need right now based on the promise we’ll pay it back later. Building and maintaining good credit helps you qualify to borrow money at the best available terms for increasingly larger purchases — like a home or vehicle — when you need them. While the importance of credit on our finances is clear, the details and components of credit can be confusing. This presentation helps to explain some of the key terms, players and concepts with the goal of understanding basic credit information. Presented by Cliff Carignan, VP of Lending at First New York FCU.
Bio: Cliff has managed teams locally in the credit union industry for 15+ years with experience in Lending, Collections, Credit and Sales. Since March 2020, Cliff has been the Vice President of Lending at First New York FCU and enjoys working with staff to find the best financial solutions for its members.
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